Builder Market Issues
Builder Market Issues (00:00):Hey, Rob here, Rob Johnstone again with Remax this week, I thought I'd take it into our actual weekly sales meeting. It's kind of interesting this week.…
Builder Market Issues (00:00):Hey, Rob here, Rob Johnstone again with Remax this week, I thought I'd take it into our actual weekly sales meeting. It's kind of interesting this week.…
Realtors facing lifetime withdrawal from Alberta Housing Market On April 13, 2022, the Residential Property Manager Industry Council of the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) approved an application by…
Unlicensed Activity Calgary, Alberta – The Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) is warning consumers against hiring John Doe who is not licensed to provide real estate and mortgage services…
Real Estate Council of Alberta warns public of common fraud schemes as part of Fraud Prevention Month Calgary, Alberta – March marks the beginning of Fraud Prevention Month across Canada.…
Real Estate Licence Cancelled, Barred from Becoming Licensed for Seven Years Calgary, Alberta — on February 24, 2022, a Hearing Panel for the Real Estate Council of Alberta (RECA) cancelled the…
Be Aware of Unlicensed Practice RECA takes unlicensed activity seriously. A person cannot trade in real estate, deal in mortgages or act as a property or condominium manager without an…
Out-of-province Agents Need a Licence to Trade in Alberta RECA has heard about increased interest from out-of-province buyers, particularly from Ontario, in purchasing property in Alberta. Alberta has not seen…
Real Estate Holdbacks—Why They Often Don’t Make Sense for Lenders RECA has received an increase in inquiries regarding the use of holdbacks in real estate sales contracts.A holdback occurs in a real-estate… Ann-Marie: So, um, 2021 was definitely far better than anyone had expected. Um, if we think about what happened, I mean, no one had forecasted that sale would hit record… Rob (00:00): Hey, Rob here, Rob Johnstone again with Remax this week, I thought I'd take it into our actual weekly sales meeting. It's kind of interesting this week. That's…